
Skype Download

Skype is telecommunications application from Skype Technologies, a part of Microsoft. It is famous for their VoIP-based video telephony, videoconferencing, and voice calls. It also helps in file transfer, and it offers instant messaging.

Software details

Android APK
Android / iphone / mac / Windows 11 / Windows 8 / Windows PC

Software description

Skype is a remote communication tool where users make video calls, audio calls, and texts. It belongs to the American multinational Microsoft. Skype is a cross platform application that allows users to communicate through computers, smartphones, tablets, and other devices.

It works through a Peer to Peer model via a private VoIP telephony protocol. This protocol allows users to communicate with exceptional quality. Today, the software has become a reference in the video call sector. In addition, it has millions of users worldwide.

Skype does not only offer video calling services, but it has other several features. Instant messaging, of the features that enables users to chat, and send files such as audios, images, emojis. You can also share other applications like Telegram, WhatsApp, or Facebook Messenger. However, this is no longer available after Microsoft acquisition of Skype.

Additionally, through Skype, you can be able to send text messages to other mobile devices. This is a payable service, you have to pay to enjoy it. There is also paid voice call services over a mobile, or definite network. Through this application, you can hold conference calls. It allows you to make voice conferences among various users simultaneously from the beginning, or you can add them later.

Skype has led to the growth of businesses. The emergence of this video calling service has had a positive impact to many companies. Companies, or organizations to hold a meeting with members in different regions of the world. Through it, they can also carry out interviews, or end business deals. Within the world of Digital Marketing, there is Skype Marketing; it focuses on attracting customers, traffic, and acquiring sales through the platform.

Moreover, Skype’s Premium plan provides extra properties, and improvements with strong cloud-based business solutions. It has complex, modern back-end engines which helps in powering even large companies, and organizations.

Furthermore, Skype offers various services for business, personal, and creative needs. The following are some of the services: meet now; this is for creating, as well as sharing meetings. Just have to click on a button which generates the session, provides you with a link that you can send to the people you want to join.

There is also Skype manager, with this you can give credits, and manage. The features are available for the people in your business, or household group. Other services include, Skype with Alexa; the digital assistant that comes with Amazon echo. Skype with Outlook; allows you to Skype without leaving your inbox.

Initially Skype was a separate application accessible to only Mac, as well as Windows computers. Nowadays, it has a robust applications for iOS, Android, and other popular mobile platforms. On the other hand, Skype on the Web offers access to similar features available in the standalone categories.

Skype has some other notable features that keeps on evolving. They include Skype Translate; with this you can converse in different languages, and still understand each other since the app translates it in real time. It also has end-to-end encryption, with this you can meet, and chat with friends without experiencing problems from unauthorized visitors. Another feature is desktop sharing, here you can share your device’s screen aid with productivity, troubleshooting, and training. The last one is the live subtitles.

Despite Skype being helpful to businesses, and people, it has some disadvantages. For instance, the sound quality depends on the bandwidth. Therefore, when you have slow internet speed ISP, the quality of the call will be poor. It does not filter Background noises, and it also picks them up easily. It is also easy to intercept the information over the app. Also, the service can go down completely.