Xvirus Anti-Malware

Xvirus Anti-Malware Download

Xvirus Anti-Malware is a smart application through which you can find malware in system that is difficult to detect. It analyzes the heuristics and behavior of installed programs and saved files to predict zero-day threats.

Software details

2.8 MB
Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows PC

4 / 5. 1

Software Description

If you’re always surfing on the internet and going on some websites, then clicking on some links, chances are your computer or device is exposed to various infections and threats that can come from different sources. If you are worried that might happen, you can install Xvirus Anti-Malware alongside your current anti-virus and firewall for added layer of protection. It protects your computer from spyware, trojans, worms, bot, keylogger, adware. ransomware, and others. It detects all the known threats.

Xvirus Anti-Malware is built for Windows-based computers with a setup size comparatively small from other free anti-virus products. Once installed, it automatically updates to the latest version of the anti-virus database files, which could take a few minutes to complete. Right after it finishes the update, your computer system is virtually protected. There are three modes of scan in Xvirus Anti-Malware – quick, full, and custom. The quick scan checks for malware presence in critical areas in a shortest duration of time. The full scan checks all the areas of the hard disk and its partition to look for possible presence of malware. The custom scan can be configured to check the whole area of the disk, just like the full scan, or just choose a portion or section of the Windows system.

Key Features

  • completely free and no time limit
  • compatibility with currently installed anti-virus
  • usage of system resources is very low
  • real-time protection against malwares and viruses
  • protects your system from adware
  • defense against ransomware
  • easy-to-use interface
  • updates are automatic

With Xvirus Anti-Malware will give you the peace of mind to browse the internet using all your devices. One of the worries for people browsing the internet is their password and files protection. But with Xvirus Anti-Malware, they can worry no more. Though some anti-virus products out there can protect your computer from cyber attacks, those sometimes fail to catch emerging and dangerous viruses that are just around the corner. So adding Xvirus Anti-Malware as an added layer of protection will surely boost your computer’s security while browsing the internet.

These days, the internet has been our second world. It’s been a part of virtually everyone’s daily lives, be it academics, personal, or business. Just like in the real world, people need protection in the society from bad and dangerous elements. That’s why there are law enforcement personnel always ready to serve and protect the citizenry. Xvirus Anti-Malware is the law enforcement in the virtual world, catching bad and dangerous threats like viruses and malwares present that can potentially hurt the citizenry of the virtual world – the computers. What do we feel if we see and know that law enforcement people are just around. We feel safe, right? We also want to have that same feeling when we browse the internet. Xvirus Anti-Malware can provide that protection and that feeling of safety.

With most of the children around the world are now adept in using the internet, computers are more vulnerable with malwares and viruses. After you’re done reading this, download Xvirus Anti-Malware to protect your computer and family from the harm of cyber threats.