Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer Download

Internet Explorer (IE) is one of the oldest web browsers. It was first released in 1995 and rose to prominence immediately.

Software details

Windows PC

Software description

Internet Explorer is a quick-moving web browser that provides a seamless experience for its user base. Many browsers have come and gone over the years, and yet Internet Explorer has been able to stay in use for over 25 years. That’s because the Explorer has prioritized quality, speed, efficiency, and the employment of various features through its interface.

The browser’s features include:

  • An unlimited tab mode that allows multiple pages to be opened at once.
  • A password-saving mode.
  • A reading mode.
  • An InPrivate mode that allows users to browse web pages without their data being collected or tracked.
  • An easy-to-spot back and forth button set that allows the user to move through previous pages.
  • A functioning setup for refreshing and reloading dysfunctional web pages.
  • A visible home button to return to the home page of a site.
  • An address bar that allows the user to easily visit various websites.
  • A search bar that allows the user to submit information to a search engine.
  • Compatibility with security, preventing hackers from stealing information or destroying software.
  • Compatibility with antivirus software that blocks out malicious content.

The History of Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer originally began in 1994 as an add-on to Windows 95. The developers decided to release features that would support browser cookies to save data, secure socket layering, and virtual reality model language. After its initial launch in July of 1995, the explorer went on to become one of the most popular web browsers available.

The developers of the explorer were able to pinpoint the exact functions that users craved in a browser: an organized layout that allowed you to move efficiently through online content; window features that were easy to find; and a high-speed performance that would save you time in the long run.

Since 1995, Microsoft has released eleven versions of Internet Explorer. The latest in this product line is Internet Explorer 11, released in October of 2013.

There is a reason why Internet Explorer has had real staying power in comparison to its competitors. Internet Explorer provides a quality service, especially for casual internet users. While the earlier versions of the explorer were more geared toward a casual base, the latest has been designed with IT professionals and developers in mind.

Built on the previous editions, Internet Explorer continually adds better features with every new release. Over the years, the editions have added up to create a sleek, smart product that excels in speed, performance, and feature versatility. For example, the 11th explorer comes with a spelling dictionary feature that autocorrects commonly misspelled words.

You can learn more about the features through an Internet Explorer download. Internet Explorer can be downloaded directly through Microsoft’s website, or through the Microsoft Update utility found on Windows. There are also different vendors you can find the web browser download from. Once the download takes place, you should be able to easily install the browser by opening the accompanying files and restarting the computer.

By downloading Internet Explorer, you can see for yourself why Internet Explorer works so well for internet exploration.  As one of the first web browsers made available, it has managed to last well into the modern era due to its innovative technology and its simple efficiency.