MySQL is the most popular open-source relational database management system in the world that is known for its reliability, robustness, and ease of use for applications that are suitable for small to enterprise scale operations.

Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows PC


MySQL is an open source relational database management system used in most free applications to manage your databases. The service uses SQL (Structure Query Language – Structured Query Language), which is the most popular and trusted language for inserting, accessing and managing the content stored in a database, used by everyone in the whole world.

In the creation of free and open web applications, the most used set of applications is LAMP, an acronym for Linux, Apache, MySQL and Perl / PHP / Python. This set of applications includes, respectively, an operating system, a web server, a database management system and a programming language. Thus, MySQL is one of the central components of most public Internet applications.

The system was developed by the Swedish company MySQL AB and originally published in May 1995. Afterwards, the company was purchased by Sun Microsystems and, in January 2010, integrated into the billion-dollar transaction for the purchase of Sun by Oracle Corporation. Currently, Oracle, although maintaining the version for the community, has made its use more restricted and the developers then created the MariaDB project to continue developing the MySQL version 5.1 code, in a totally open and free way. MariaDB intends to maintain compatibility with the versions released by Oracle.

How to use MySQL?

To use MySQL, it is necessary to install a server and a client application. The server is responsible for storing data, responding to requests, controlling data consistency, as well as executing concurrent transactions, among others. The client communicates with the server via SQL. The free version of MySQL is called the Community Edition and has a server and a graphical client interface.

The server must be installed and configured to receive connections from clients. In MySQL, the main client is the graphical client interface provided by Oracle, called MySQL Workbench. Through MySQL Workbench, you can execute SQL queries, administer the system and model, create and maintain the database through an integrated environment.

In the database modeling interface of MySQL Workbench, you can define the database entities, their attributes and relationships. In databases, important settings for databases must be defined, such as primary and foreign keys and the attributes that must be indexed. All of these settings are defined in this interface.

Configurations of the management system consist, among other more complex ones, of the TCP port, which must be connected, and the folder where the database files are saved on the disk. The specific configurations of the databases consist of data encryption, access permissions, for example.

In the generic query editor, illustrated in the image below, the administrator can run queries to search for specific information or tests. Simply insert the SQL query at the top of the window, and the results are displayed on the “Output” tab in the bottom half of the window. In the “Overview” tab, the administrator can obtain the names of the tables, views and routines of each database created in the system.