YouTube Kids App

YouTube Kids App Download

YouTube Kids aims to make streaming safer and simpler for families. YouTube Kids provides a filtered version of YouTube designed just for kids.

Software details

Android APK
Android / iphone

Software description

YouTube Kids interface shows recommended channels and videos that are age-appropriate and engaging for kids. Content will organize into categories like music, arts & crafts, educational videos, and more. You can select the age range so videos suit your child’s maturity level. Searching will locked too so kids can’t access regular YouTube. The app allows parents to limit viewing with timers and temporarily lock down devices when needed. There’s also a “Listen” mode for audio-only in case you don’t want full video. But it offers a much more contained environment compared to the Wild West of regular YouTube app. You can allow your young one enjoy fun videos without worrying about what they could stumble onto. Finally, YouTube Kids is a good choice. It brings the streaming world a bit closer to the living room TV experience.

Search Limitations

YouTube Kids implements various search limitations to prevent exposure to inappropriate content. Search autocomplete suggestions can also filter to only provide kid-friendly keyword options. Search predictions steer children towards verified educational, creative, and entertainment videos. Potentially problematic terms and keywords are block listed from autocomplete and will return no results if searched directly. In addition, misspellings of inappropriate words are also blocked. YouTube Kids also filters search results themselves. Furthermore, Search algorithms are optimized to prioritize official channels and high-quality content for kids. Questionable videos will suppress in results. Parents also have the option to fully disable search on the app for very young children. Overall, these limitations on the search functionality create a contained environment where kids can explore without the risk of unsuitable videos. Finally, the search restrictions give parents confidence their child’s viewing will stay within the bounds of age-appropriateness.

 Ad Filtering

As a parent, one amazing feature of YouTube Kids is that it blocks all video ads so your children can just watch content. On regular YouTube, annoying ads play before practically every video these days. But with YouTube Kids, video ads never appear. Your kids won’t have to sit through commercials or see products inappropriate for their age. In addition, the app also omits banner and sidebar ads that cover up the screen.

Everything stays focused just on the videos. This allows young viewers to simply pick a video and start watching it immediately. Their time is spent fully engaged with quality content, not fighting through promotions. Of course, no ad blocking is 100% perfect or permanent. But parents can take comfort in knowing YouTube Kids aims to minimize distractions and commercial exposure. So, if you want just an easy, ad-free streaming experience for your children, YouTube Kids delivers. They can explore fun educational videos without the constant bombardment of products.

Parental Control

The app allows parents to select a maturity level based on age – like Preschool or Younger. This filters video content to suit the child’s development. You can also block specific channels or videos as needed. YouTube Kids has a timer function so you can limit total viewing per day or set time limits. The app will notify kids when time is close to expiring. There’s also an option to temporarily lock the app on kids’ devices when you want to pause viewing. For younger viewers, you can limit the app to audio-only with the “Listen” mode. This removes video content entirely for times you just want music or storytelling streaming. While no system is perfect, the parental controls do provide needed customization. In addition, you can dial in the experience based on your child’s maturity and viewing habits.