Windows Repair

Windows Repair Download

Windows Repair fixes common OS issues, restores settings, repairs system files, optimizes performance, and improves stability.

Software details

35.9 MB
Windows 8 / Windows PC

5 / 5. 1

Software Description

Windows Repair application is the product of Tweaking website and is available for free. It helps you solve various issues encountered by your PC and thus improves the performance of Windows operating system.

If we need help repairing the Windows operating system, it is best to use an application that does all the work. From a tool that not only locates errors or mismatches but also does what is necessary to correct them. In this case, Windows Repair is our best partner.

All operating systems, Windows included, suffer from problems from time to time caused by faults in configurations that have produced unwanted changes and modifications. Windows Repair is a powerful tool for system repair, an application that takes care of correcting these problems by restoring the settings to their original state.

It is not designed to solve specific failures, but rather to solve typical errors that arise after the installation of certain applications or updates. It is a free application, also with a paid PRO version, that works in all Windows versions. And most important: it is very easy to use.

When you do not have great computer knowledge, it is grateful that the tools used facilitate the work for a perfect development. Windows Repair uses a wizard that takes us step by step to the repair of the failures detected in the operating system of our computer. To run the program you can choose the basic mode, or the custom or advanced system, and start the repair.

What does Windows Repair do?

Windows Repair can do almost anything related to fixing, recovering, repairing or removing. The software is a perfect tool to keep our system working without issues and optimizes many features. Windows Repair functions in the end result in a better experience when it comes to use our computer or laptop.


These are all the features you will be able to find in the program. As you can see, this software allows you have control on many errors and features in the system and fix them.

  • You can reset and control the registry permissions.
  • You can reset file permissions.
  • Control system files and repair their register.
  • You can fix issues on WMI.
  • Function that allows you control and repair Windows Firewall.
  • Fix issues on Internet Explorer.
  • You can repair MDAC and Jet MS.
  • Any host can be repaired thanks to Windows Repair.
  • You can deeply clean and remove registers of any kind, including those product of a virus.
  • Icons can be repaired.
  • Winsock or DNS cache can be fixed now thanks to its new functions.
  • Temporary fails can be deleted easily.
  • Issues in Proxy Settings can be fixed.
  • Windows Repair allows you to see system files normally hidden or not visible.
  • Repair corrupt setups and software in the operating system.
  • Fix or recover CD and DVD drives.

About its versions.

Windows Repair is versatile and you can install it on a computer or a laptop so you will be able to use it in any of your devices. In addition to the free version there is another PRO version which offers more features. All of them work perfect in the latest versions of Windows and the software keeps updating to offer the best service.