XNView Download
XNView is a free image viewing and management app that supports various file formats. It offers tools for viewing, editing, and organizing photos and graphics. With features like batch processing and a user-friendly interface, XNView makes managing images easy and efficient. Available for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Software details
Software Description
XnView is a well-known raster image editing software that can organize images, capture screens and can edit raster graphics. It can be used for efficient file management as well as for viewing, converting, organizing and editing raster images. XNView includes a large number of handy tools through which you can perform required tasks. It has a simple interface in which all the tools can be accessed easily and the users can customize the skin and interface of the software as per their own convenience.
Installation Procedure:
For installing XnView software first choose the language of installer. The Setup Wizard will then open up where you must accept the license agreement, select destination location and choose its components. You can choose full, custom or minimum installation types and can select appropriate components for image processing and disk burning functions. Moreover, select start menu folder, create shortcut icons and then install the software after you have reviewed the settings and are satisfied with the chosen options.
After XNView is installed properly, you need to configure it on your system to use it. There are a few configuration settings that you need to adjust. Choose the language of the software, mark check box if you wish to view all types of image files, choose settings for location of user’s programs, add system integration with the software and schedule updates. Now the software is ready to be used.
User Interface:
XnView lets you browse your system for finding and viewing the image files. You can select image source, acquire images from scanner or camera, edit images, view metadata and properties, sort and tag files, perform batch processing, create slideshows and web pages, export and import images and view info about its tools. The users can browse through the folders for finding images and can mark favorites. The files can be tagged so you can search them on the basis of types of files, color label and rating.
Image Editing:
There are various options that can be used once you have opened the image file. The users can view the images in full screen mode, rotate images, perform transformation, view properties, check file operations, search and print images, convert them to other formats, capture screen, create contact sheet and can visit Options to manage settings for categories of General, Interface, Browser, View and System integration. The users can change type of thumbnail, sorting method and filtering of files.