
What is JavaScript?

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JavaScript is a scripting language designed to enhance web page interactivity and bring websites alive with 2D and 3D graphics, animated images, real-time updates of content updates, as well as real-time notifications of these changes.

These scripts are often employed during front end web development. They can either be embedded via the script> tag or added as an external.js file that can then be called from within the page itself.

What Is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a programming language designed to enhance websites and web applications. It enables mathematical calculations, dynamic addition of content to the DOM, style declaration creation and fetching of data from another website; among many other functions. JavaScript can also update or change existing HTML documents; alternatively HTML may serve as source material for creating jQuery plugins which execute JavaScript code.

JavaScript, originally LiveScript and then JavaScript, has become one of the world’s most beloved programming languages. Although both languages use a general purpose object-oriented programming model (OOP), they’re unrelated; their only commonality lies in being compiled; however, JavaScript stands alone as a scripting language.

Variables in JavaScript serve as containers for storing data values and can either be strings or objects. Their values can be changed at any time, and you may name them anything you like within certain restrictions (see this article for more info about using quotes). Statements in JavaScript must end with a semicolon.

All major web browsers and operating systems feature built-in JavaScript engines, making JS code easily addable directly into an HTML document and processed by web browsers before being displayed on-screen – this enables creating highly interactive websites without additional software download requirements.

History of JavaScript

JavaScript has become one of the world’s most beloved programming languages, used to power website animation and social media apps alike. But what exactly is it and why did it emerge?

JavaScript, originally developed within two weeks in May 1995 by Brendan Eich, a new hire at Netscape, emerged due to a need to expand upon HTML’s declarative nature by including clickable areas and scrollable elements on early Web pages. Netscape wanted more interactivity such as clicking and scrolling capabilities on early Web pages – something JavaScript made possible.

Netscape Navigator included a scripting language designed to augment HTML and CSS’ basic functionalities with dynamic features on web pages, including dropdown menus, extra content on pages, and dynamic color changes of elements on demand.

Eich drew on his experience developing small, special-purpose languages that supported kernel and networking programming to develop JavaScript, an HTML “Scheme” with Java-like syntax that proved so successful it was submitted for standardization by ECMA, an organization dedicated to setting standards for information systems.

This committee decided to standardize JavaScript and give other implementers a say in its development, changing its name from Netscape’s Mocha (later JavaScript) to ECMAScript for trademark purposes. Today, JavaScript remains a cornerstone of modern Internet and can be found everywhere from websites and applications for mobile phones, desktop PCs and robots as well as programming of hardware devices like robots.

Libraries vs. Frameworks

When you think of dynamic features on websites, such as an animated photo that scrolls or autocomplete suggestions that respond to prompts, chances are JS (javaScript) is behind them. As a scripting language, JS provides computer programs with instructions about what they should do while also offering more intuitive functionality that enhances web pages’ user-friendliness and engagement.

JavaScript powers many of the most visited sites you visit daily–from Facebook timeline updates and Google’s autocomplete suggestions, to Amazon suggesting products as you type. Because it runs inside a web browser, working with it doesn’t require downloading additional software or installing updates manually.

As websites have become more widespread, developers have developed front-end frameworks, like React, Angular and Vue, that enable faster website building by decreasing the amount of coding needed from scratch. These libraries contain prewritten code that executes common functions and components allowing developers to focus on other areas of their application without worrying about building from scratch from the beginning.

As a general rule, front-end frameworks typically require more experience with JavaScript than libraries alone do, making them harder to choose depending on individual skills and experience. Therefore, it’s essential that you understand their differences so you can select one best suited to you based on these factors.

What Is JavaScript Used For?

JavaScript is one of the world’s most frequently used programming languages and forms the core of many of the most engaging, interactive products on the internet. Originally designed to make web pages more intuitive, this universal programming language now brings websites alive with 2D/3D graphics, real-time updates, animation options and much more!

That is also why most of your favorite tech companies rely on JavaScript in product development. It helps bring static information to life and provides their users with a better experience; imagine trying to navigate sites like Google Maps or Facebook without their animation and interactivity powered by JavaScript!

JavaScript not only adds animation and interactivity, but it can also assist in data processing. For example, it can validate form submissions to ensure all information entered was accurate before sending to the server; this saves server resources while simultaneously decreasing network traffic due to eliminating page reloads after every entry submission.

Furthermore, HTML serves as the backbone for numerous front end frameworks like jQuery and React that enable developers to easily create user interfaces (UIs) for apps and websites that are user-friendly, flexible and responsive – features hard to achieve with other technologies like easily connecting databases or applications.

How to Learn JavaScript?

Learning JavaScript can be done in various ways, from attending coding boot camps that incorporate it into their curriculum to online programs that offer flexible instruction and support at your convenience – these resources can provide both self-guided and structured learning approaches to JavaScript for aspiring developers.

Another approach is to find a book that breaks down the fundamentals of programming. “JavaScript For Beginners” serves as an ideal starting point, providing lessons on topics like variables and control structures – easily read and understood with plenty of examples that demonstrate how concepts work in practice.

Finally, an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) may also help you write code effectively. These platforms offer numerous functions for script creation, execution, debugging and testing their performance; many coding schools utilize an IDE as part of their curriculum, with both free and paid options for beginners available.

No matter which learning method you employ, it’s important to remember that coding is always changing and developing. In order to stay competitive in the industry, keeping abreast of new trends and strengthening your skills is a must. A deep knowledge of JavaScript will allow you to build more dynamic websites that respond directly to user input – autocorrect, slideshows and interactive maps all owe their functionality to this core language. Alternatively, consider becoming a system administrator or cybersecurity engineer who uses scripts to troubleshoot and maintain servers and hardware devices!

JavaScript FAQs

Developers should familiarize themselves with various FAQs surrounding JavaScript, such as:

Are Functions Objects in JavaScript? Yes, functions in JavaScript are objects which can be passed as arguments to other functions or returned from other functions as objects, assigned variables and stored data structures as objects with properties and methods which can be called upon directly.

What are the three ways of creating an array in JavaScript?

There are three approaches for creating arrays in JavaScript; using pop, shift and push methods each have their own set of advantages and disadvantages.

How can you identify whether a value is “Not a Number” in JavaScript?

A value that indicates “Not a Number”, also known as NaN, indicates it does not belong within an integer range and thus is considered invalid. You can check if a given value falls into this category using the isNaN() function.

What are some examples of JavaScript looping structures?

Looping structures include for, while and range loops. While looping structures may serve many different purposes, they’re most often employed to display messages or input forms to users. Additional looping structures in JavaScript such as alert and confirmation boxes also employ looping structures — an alert box shows one ‘OK’ button while confirmation boxes display two — ‘OK’ and ‘Cancel’ — respectively.