
DriverMax Download

DriverMax is an excellent software solution for keeping all your computer’s drivers updated and in-sync with the latest versions.

Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows PC


As the name suggests, the main purpose of DriverMax is to keep the drivers of PC updated. It runs a scan on the system to check the status of versions of all the drivers installed, and then updates those drivers that are older. Software and drivers keep on getting updates by the developers to be compatible with most of the advanced features that are introduced almost every day. Therefore it is a great tool for helping you in improving the performance of your system and its attached components.


For using DriverMax, you must have Windows Operating System on your PC with version XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 or 11. It is compatible with both 32 as well as 64 bit systems. It has been launched this year on 8th January 2016 as version number. It is developed by a new developers’ team named Innovative Solutions. For using the web based components of this software, you must get registered for a personal account. Though it is a free tool, yet you can purchase Pro version for low price.

Backup and Restore:

DriverMax software gives you the option of creating a restore point for the system. It stores the important drivers of the system in order to provide backup for them. After the drivers are updated but the results are not according to your expectations then you can easily uninstall the driver by restoring the system to the access point. The backup of drivers lets you restore and reinstall the drivers that have been deleted by mistake.


DriverMax is a beneficial software that you can use for free or buy its Pro version by subscribing to monthly or yearly editions. There are many advantages of purchasing Pro version over using the free version. You can install unlimited updates of drivers, get hourly update checks, have faster downloading speed, get notifications, can download multiple drivers at a time and can contact the Support system for solving any issues.


The setting option is available in the software window that will direct you to the page where settings can be customized. Here you can create your personal account or can log in if you already own an account and can access their website for purchasing the Pro version at discounted rates via credit cards. You can also change the settings such as adjusting the time for automatic driver updates, can subscribe to the regular news from Innovative Solutions about their other software and can select the language of the tool.


DriverMax is a small sized software of 5-6 MBs that has very useful features. It is capable of checking and updating the drivers through internet. It is a great choice for those users who do not buy CDs or have lost the installation CDs of the drivers. It is capable of creating backup of all the drivers so you can restore them anytime something has gone wrong. It’s both versions, free and Pro are very useful and provide users with great benefits.