
Krita Download

Krita offers powerful features like customizable brushes, layer management, vector tools, and full color management.

Software details

Windows 11 / Windows PC

Software Description

Krita boasts an intuitive user interface with 30 dockers that you can customize for your specific workflow. Once you have everything set up the way you want, you can save your workspace for your upcoming designs. Create shortcuts for the tools you often use. Choose between dark and light color interface themes.


  • Drawing Assistants
  • Layer Management
  • Select & Transform
  • Full Color Management
  • PSD Support
  • OpenGL Enhanced

Gorgeous Brushes

Krita comes with over 100 preloaded professionally made brushes. Use them to achieve a wide range of effects for your piece.

Brush Stabilizers

If you have a shaky hand, Krita offers a stabilizer to help keep your brush strokes smooth. The software also includes a dedicated Dynamic Brush tool that allows you to add drag and mass to your digital paintings.

Vector Tools

Built-in vector tools will help you create comic panels. Select shapes from the library, place them onto your canvas, and change the anchor points to create custom shapes. Fill them with solid colors, gradients, for patterns.


Enhance your artwork with text and edit the type just as you would with the shapes! The software is compatible with SVG 1.1 files.

Brush Engines

Over 9 unique brush engines allow you to customize your brushes to your exact needs. Engines include Color Smudge, Shape, Particle, Filter, and more! Save your custom brushes and organize them with Rita’s unique tagging system.

Wrap-around Mode

Creating seamless textures and patterns is easy. The image will repeat along the x and y axis, allowing you to focus on your painting. Any changes you make will display instantly. No more clunky offsetting!

Paint beautiful mandalas, abstract symmetrical designs easily.

Resources Manager

You can import texture and brush sets from other artists to expand your tool set. Krita can now open Adobe’s ABR (brushes) and ASL (Photoshop layer styles) files. Likewise, you can share the brushes that you create with the Krita community!