Dolphin assistive technology promotes self-reliance and independence among people with visual impairments. It has special features to help perform this function. These are essential to readers with neurodiversity and visual impairments.
Dolphin is an assistive technology software for people with complications in seeing. The software has a variety of features that help people with these disabilities access computers. Therefore, its users become more independent and self-reliable. These features include visual and hearing aid for people with difficulties in seeing. For the blind, there is a reading out loud screen content.
The assistive technology of Dolphin helps the large population of readers with neurodiversity. Accessible reading technology is also of great help to individuals with print-related challenges. Print-related challenges is the difficulty in reading printed content because of visual impairment. This benefits people suffering from ADHD, autism, and dyslexia. Hence, it is a great deal for people who love reading books but have the above conditions. Despite your condition, you get to access books from libraries all over the world.
Dolphin has an Easy Reader app that helps in accessing libraries and newsstands you prefer most. Getting to read books you want; in whatever way you want is a much fun experience. This also improves your book-reading experience. Book access enables you to do well in aspects of life. For whatever reason you are reading, book access helps you succeed in various aspects of your life. You can make use of speech options, color schemes, and text size adjustments. The make of this app matches both the screen readers and braille displays. This makes it even more accessible to individuals with visual impairments.
There is also Guide Connect app for people with lost sight challenges. You can connect with loved ones and access entertainment options. Dolphin Super Nova also provides braille assistance, magnification, and screen reading for the blind. It enables you to rely on yourself to navigate and access your computer screen content. In addition to that, there is also Easy Converter that converts files to other suitable formats. These are formats that make it easy to read and understand by people with visual impairments.