The Five Whys Technique: A Guide to Problem-Solving

5 Whys Technique: A Guide to Problem-Solving


We encounter problems in every area of our lives. This means problem-solving is an essential skill everyone should learn, no matter their occupation.

The five whys technique is a scientific problem-solving introduced by one of the world’s top business moguls.

Before you delve into solving new problems using old ways you need to understand how the five whys technique works and why it has been successful for the past few decades.

What is the Five Whys Technique?

The five whys technique is a root cause analysis method that asks five specific questions to uncover the root cause of the problem.

After doing this analysis, you’ll be able to come up with a solution that addresses the problem’s root cause. Next, you need to get started with the five whys technique.

Sakichi Toyoda developed the five whys method to streamline organizational issues using problem-solving strategies to reveal the true nature of the problem. Toyoda believed that using root cause analysis is the first step to create a problem statement and the best way to develop a working solution for quality improvement.

Who is Sakichi Toyoda?

Sakichi Toyoda is best known as the founder of Toyota Motor Corporation, founded in 1933. He served as president and CEO of the company until 1952. During his leadership, it became one of the largest automakers in the world using his famous problem-solving method.

Under his leadership, Toyota innovated many groundbreaking automotive technologies that are still in use today, including the first mass-produced vehicle with a V8 engine and five-speed transmission. Toyota also developed a lean manufacturing model under Toyoda’s leadership.

Toyota Motor Corporation, Sakichi Toyoda also served as chairman of The Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA) from 1954 to 1966 and was honored with an honorary doctorate from Imperial College London in 1965.

This method is most effective at finding the underlying cause of a problem when as a diagram in conjunction with another form of problem-solving – the PEST analysis. Combining methods like six sigma and the five whys process for resolving a specific problem reduces the likelihood of human error.

Finally, the five whys technique has several benefits that can help you solve problems more effectively. So if you’re ever stuck on an issue, give the five whys technique a try!

How to Solve Problems Using The 5 Whys

Problems can be a real pain and show symptoms of deeper issues. Using the Five Whys Technique, you can find the root cause of a defect in almost every problem-solving situation.

The technique goes like this:

  1. Start by Asking yourself “why?” at least five times to get a deeper understanding of the problem.
  2. Once you understand the problem better, go up to 10 whys to get to the root cause.
  3. Use the five whys technique to solve the problem.

Incorporate other problem-solving strategies, such as brainstorming and goal setting, as a rule of thumb when dealing with challenges or problems in your life or work environment.

With some practice, the Five Whys Technique can be a valuable tool in your problem-solving arsenal. This 5-layer technique can help you make an informed decision using a scientific approach.

What are brainstorming techniques?

Brainstorming is a simple technique where decision-makers gather together and share their thoughts using the process of deductive reasoning.

There are a few brainstorming techniques that, in conjunction with the five whys, can use, such as:

  • Wall brainstorming
  • Group brainstorming
  • Open-ended brainstorming
  • Brainstorming sessions

Brainstorming techniques in five why analysis helps generate new ideas, resolve conflicts and improve the quality of the output.

What are goal-setting techniques?

  • Planning your goals in a step-by-step manner.
  • Setting milestones to monitor your progress.
  • Developing a timeline for achieving the goal.
  • Keeping a positive attitude while focusing on the positive outcome of achieving the goal.

5 Whys Analysis in Action

Problem-solving can be tricky, but the five whys technique can be a powerful tool for getting to the root of the issue. By asking “why” multiple times, we can figure out what led to the matter in question.

This process helps us understand the root of the problem and find solutions. The five whys technique is a simple process but can be a very effective tool for problem-solving.

How to Get Started with 5 Whys

The Five Whys technique is a simple way to solve problems quickly and effectively. It starts by asking why five times and continues with whatever actions are necessary to fix the problem.

We can use this method in many scenarios, from solving math problems to negotiating tough deals. So if you’re ever stuck and don’t know where to start, this guide is for you!

When Should You Use This Method?

Problem-solving can be daunting, but the Five Whys Technique can help make it a lot easier. Being patient and trying different solutions until you find one that works is the best method.

If you’re stuck on a complicated issue, use the technique. Simply ask ‘Why?’ five times until you reach an answer—or until your solution feels right.

The technique is most effective when there’s a clear direction to pursue. In cases like this, the Five Whys Technique can be an invaluable tool.

The Benefits of Five Whys

Problem-solving is an essential skill that everyone needs to know. And the Five Whys technique is a great way to learn it. The Five Whys technique aims to get to the root cause of an issue and resolve it quickly and efficiently. Doing this can prevent similar problems from happening in the future.

Here are the five steps of the Five Whys technique:

1. Ask “Why?” 5 times

2. List the facts of the situation

3. Ask “How?” 5 times

4. Question the assumption

5. Check the solution


The 5 Whys Technique is a problem-solving technique that can help you identify the root cause of a problem. Then, by asking ‘why’ five times, you can get to the heart of the problem and find a solution.

This method is beneficial when you cannot resolve an issue on your own or when you’re unsure where to start.