Text Editor Pro

Text Editor Pro Download

Text Editor Pro is a text editing program designed specifically for Windows users. It goes beyond the notepad applications. It offers a wide range of powerful features tailored for coding, writing, and web-related tasks.

Software details

Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows PC

Software description

Text Editor Pro provides line numbering, indentation guides and formatting tools to enhance the structure of your text. Another great aspect is the ability to customize themes allowing you to personalize the interface with colors and styles. Text Editor Pro also boasts support, for file formats ensuring that you can handle any type of document effortlessly.

Furthermore, it includes features, like notes, bookmarks and sections to help you manage files effectively. To save time and effort on tasks, Text Editor Pro allows you to create macros that automate actions according to your needs. Lastly, it offers integrated converters that can easily transform or minify code as required. With its user approach and focus on functionality, Text Editor Pro enables professional editing.

Syntax Highlighting

Text Editor Pro enhances the organization of code by highlighting its syntax. It automatically detects the programming language. User can apply colors to different elements such, as keywords, variables and strings. This clean and coordinated color scheme greatly improves readability. Developers can quickly identify errors and speed up their workflow through visual parsing. Overall, syntax highlighting, in Text Editor Pro greatly enhances code editing efficiency.

Column Editing

Text Editor Pro allows you to easily work with tables by enabling column editing. When you select column blocks, they will highlight vertically. Any edits you make apply to the columns as a whole. This makes formatting and filling tables much simpler. Finally, the powerful column controls provided also assist with tasks involving data.


Text Editor Pro provides a feature that suggests words, functions, and methods as you type. It gathers suggestions, from languages and open documents helping you save time and minimize errors with its fast autofill capability. You can also customize it by adding snippets and selectively activating features. The auto-completion feature seamlessly appears without disrupting your workflow allowing for efficient document creation. Additionally, the software includes built-in shortcuts that further accelerate your work process. With auto-completion, you can greatly enhance the speed at which you create documents.

Multiple Tabs

Text Editor Pro allows you to work on files at once by using file tabs. These tabs give you the ability to switch between documents easily and quickly. If you need to compare or edit two files side by side, you can use the window mode which splits the tabs vertically. In case you accidentally close a tab there’s an option to quickly locate it in the list of tabs. You can have many tabs open as needed without any restrictions. This feature of fast document switching comes in handy when multitasking or managing and referencing texts efficiently.

Find and Replace

Text Editor Pro is a tool that allows you to swiftly find and replace text in documents. It can locate words or phrases. Offers options, like matching the case. You can replace text individually or, in batches, including variables and wildcards. The software also supports expressions making it capable of finding patterns. Before committing any changes, you can preview the replacements to ensure accuracy. This powerful search and replace feature greatly speed up editing tasks.

Customizable Themes

Text Editor Pro offers theme options to customize the appearance of its interface. You can adjust fonts, background colors and syntax highlighting to suit your preferences. It provides designed dark and light themes that you can quickly select.

Additionally, you have the freedom to create custom themes that reflect your desired look and feel. This level of personalization allows users to tailor the interface to their working style thereby enhancing both the user experience and readability. Users can optimize their views, for efficiency and comfort by utilizing these theming features.