best Flip Phones

Best Flip Phones For 2024


How to choose a flip phone

When you’re buying a flip phone, you won’t have quite as many features to compare as you would for smartphones. Still, just like how smartphones aren’t all created the same, flip phones have distinguishing features. With these features, you’ll find pros and cons as you would with any technology or other product.


To choose a flip phone, simply consider what features matter to you. Make a list of must-haves, nice-to-haves, and deal breakers. Naturally, since flip phones are pretty limited on the market, you might need to settle for something less than ideal. Avoid buying a flip phone that reminds you why we upgraded to smartphones in the first place. If you can manage it, take some time to plan your purchase. If you do your research ahead of time, you’ll know what’s available and what works for you. You’ll also get an idea of what kind of phones would immediately go on your do-not-buy list.

consider for a flip phone

What features are important to consider for a flip phone?

As you look into the features on flip phones, there are some specific ones you’ll want to consider. Compatibility is probably the biggest factor in the flip phone buying process. Although you could technically get a new cell service provider, that can be a hassle.

If you already have a contract with a mobile wireless carrier, it will be easier to find a phone that suits the carrier. Otherwise, you might end up shelling out a lot of money to break your contract. Then, you’ll have to pay to set up a new cell service.

On top of that, if you don’t do your research beforehand, you might end up with a problematic cell service provider. The last thing you need to ruin your flip phone dreams is an insanely expensive phone bill. No one wants to have service that always drops calls, either.

To dodge the possibility of this mess, look into what carriers are compatible with your chosen flip phone first. It’ll save you a lot of hair pulling and heartache.

Unlocked phones can simplify the switch to flip phones

Of course, one of the best ways to make sure you’ll be able to use your new phone with your current provider is getting an “unlocked phone.” These kinds of phones are not affiliated with certain contracts or carriers. This leaves the owner of the phone free to change service providers or stick with their preferred one.

Beyond compatibility, another important consideration is the connectivity of the phone. While many flip phones connect to 3G networks, these networks are slowly being phased out. What that means is that if you purchase a flip phone that connects to 3G, you may find it obsolete soon. To avoid this predicament, opt for a flip phone that uses 4G LTE connectivity. This way, you won’t have to replace it in the near future. You also won’t find yourself in a situation where you are unable to make calls or texts (even for emergency calls).

Prepaid My Flip 2 4G

Prepaid My Flip 2 4G by Alcatel

For those who want a flip phone with some of the perks of a smartphone such as a wicked fast processor and Google Maps support, the Prepaid My Flip 2 4G can be a great choice. With its classic flip phone shape, it packs an unsuspected punch with its fantastic range of apps. It also garners rave reviews over its high-quality audio.

From the 2.8” display to the built-in Global Positioning System (GPS) to the quad core processor, this phone aims to impress. In standby mode, this flip phone’s battery can last up to 16 days. This phone is built for more use than the occasional call for which flip phones were once designated.

As a flip phone, it stands up against its smartphone competitors. Flip phones are usually seen as low-tech products reserved for folks who don’t value what modern technology has to offer. This flip phone challenges that idea with its features and user-friendly experience.

Another trick that this phone keeps up its sleeve is an HD quality camera for video and photos. With its 4G network connectivity, it allows users to send media quickly.

Of course, no phone comes without its flaws. For this phone, some users have expressed that the speaker volume isn’t loud enough. Still, with everything this phone can do, the trade-off might be worth it.

Go Flip V

Go Flip V by Alcatel

If you have a Verizon phone plan already in place, the Go Flip V by Alcatel might be your best choice. Since the phone is relatively new on the block, it has a special kind of hype. It also offers the newest features that a flip phone can since it’s so new.

This phone comes with one major downside for some folks. As a Verizon Wireless exclusive, you won’t be able to use it with other mobile carriers. If you have a phone plan with another service provider, you can take this one off your list.

Depending on whether you have a Verizon phone plan or not, this could be a pro or a con. If you’re a huge fan of Verizon Wireless, you’ll love having a phone designed by them for their customers.

In addition to being innovative and new, this phone boasts a 2MP camera that can take videos with 720p HD resolution. What’s more, the phone is able to make a Wi-Fi hotspot, which is rare in flip phones. It also offers GPS capabilities and browsing for the internet.

Go Flip 3

Go Flip 3 by Alcatel

Do you still care about all the modern features of a smartphone? If you want flip phone simplicity with smartphone sophistication, the Go Flip 3 is an ideal blend. It really has the best of both worlds.

The Go Flip 3 features voice controls and a battery life that lasts a whopping eight hours. It also has all of the beloved Google apps on it, including Google Maps, Google Search, and YouTube. What’s more, this phone is equipped with Google Assistant. That means that you can send texts, look up random information that bugs you, and more with the sound of your voice. With this innovative phone, you might not even realize that you don’t have a smartphone anymore.

In spite of these impressive benefits, this phone does tend to take less than amazing photos and videos. If camera quality isn’t a deal breaker for you, this one is a great choice. It gives flip phones a good name again.

Galaxy Z Flip3 5G

Galaxy Z Flip3 5G by Samsung

If the main draw of a flip phone for you is the compact, convenient size, the Samsung Galaxy Flip3 5G might be right for you. This phone has all the features of a smartphone with an added bonus of folding into a compact rectangle. The Galaxy Z Flip3 5G is also water-resistant and scratch-resistant. This makes it a great option for folks with active lifestyles.

You can use the Galaxy Z Flip3 5G exactly as you would use a typical smartphone. It is totally accessible to the Google Play Store. This means you can add all your favorite apps to this flip phone. It also comes in a wide range of colors, from black to cream to lavender to green. For a fully functional flip phone with smartphone-like capabilities–or a smartphone with flip phone-like style–go with this one.

DuraXE LTE Flip

DuraXE LTE Flip Phone by Kyocera

One of the best parts about flip phones back in the day was their ability to bounce back from a drop. Smartphones may shatter upon impact with concrete. But a flip phone would survive every drop without sweating it. Your main reason for wanting a flip phone could be craving a more durable cell phone. In that case, the DuraXE LTE Flip Phone might be your type of phone.

This phone embodies the no-frills, no-fuss style that makes flip phones so wonderful. For wireless carriers, grab the DuraXE if you want to go with AT&T. If Verizon Wireless is more your speed, opt for the DuraXV extreme. If Sprint is your preferred wireless carrier, get a DuraXPT. No matter which DuraXE you go with, you can enjoy their design that is protected against dust, water, and shocks.

With a battery that provides 9 hours of talk time and 16 hours of standby mode, there’s a lot to love about this phone. It won’t take videos or high quality pictures. But if your main goal is to have a phone that makes calls loudly and clearly while staying in one piece if you drop it, this is a solid option.

S22 Flip Phone

S22 Flip Phone by CAT

T-Mobile users will be happy to make an easy transition to flip phones with the S22 Flip Phone. This phone is only available for T-Mobile, but some have been able to use it with Sprint. This phone is perfect for those who might expect to be hard on their phone. Whether you tend to drop your phone on the daily or you anticipate submerging it in liquids, it’s up for the challenge.

With larger-than-average buttons and a 2-year warranty backing this build, it’s a very practical phone. The talk time that lasts for up to 12 hours is nothing to sneeze at, either.

Prime-A1 Pro

Easyfone by Prime-A1 Pro

For folks who are either older or very young, the Easyfone is a great option to give family members peace of mind. It features an SOS button that allows the phone owner to add up to five contacts for easy access. With a relatively large display that spans almost 2.5”, this phone is easy on the eyes. It’s also bright so it’s better for struggling eyes to read.

If you have Bluetooth headphones or want to jam out in the car from your cell phone, you’re in luck.

The Easyfone has Bluetooth support. It also has a cradle charger, which may be more usable for those who don’t want to mess with tiny cords. For those with Mint Mobile, T-Mobile, or MetroPCS, this phone will be a simple transition for carriers. Those with AT&T and Verizon will be disappointed to know that this phone is not compatible with those carriers.