
MuseScore Download

MuseScore is a free, open-source music notation app for writing, playing, and printing sheet music. It offers a range of tools for composing, arranging, and customizing scores. Suitable for all musicians, it supports various file formats and is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Software details

Linux / mac / Windows 11 / Windows PC

Software Description

MuseScore, an open source score editor, provides musicians and composers a free yet powerful way of notating scores, sheet music, lead sheets or other forms of traditional written musical notation. This editor handles all technical details associated with staves, clefs and markings to allow musicians to compose freely with notation – although lacking advanced features found in paid programs like Sibelius or Dorico it remains a strong option for composers of any age and experience level

MuseScore 4.0 was recently released and features numerous upgrades that musicians and educators should know about. These upgrades include an overhauled audio engine, selection tool, input engraving system and tempo recognition capabilities – as well as other exciting new features to make using free music-scoring software even better!

MuseScore has made strides forward by including screen reader support. This means a user who cannot see the screen can select any note and hear an automated synthesized voice announce it as being half-note G on beat two of measure four.

MuseScore continues to struggle with mouse editing compared to competitors; this new major update should make MuseScore even more attractive to composers and students.